Digital Art – Fondazione Onassis

New Digital Art project. Onassis Foundation choose Macropix LedWalls again.

Digital technology is entering the human body and extending it beyond its bounds. This network of bodies, a branch of technologies invites us to seek the limits of the “plásmata” or “beings”, “creations” or “imaginary things” that we ourselves create.

Onassis Foundation has once again chosen, as the setting, the Pedion tou Areos Park – a space that was born as an army training ground before becoming a place of recreation for the inhabitants of the city – to talk about the body not only as a place of subjectivity, but also as a field of identity, political and social conflict, as the fulcrum of both pleasure and pain and, ultimately, of the existence of the human being.

“Plásmata” – which runs from 23 May to 10 July 2022 – opens at the statue of King Constantine I and reaches the Alsos Theater and the pine forest beyond.

This year the exhibition will follow paths that ask to discover parts of the park little known by the general public inviting visitors to the exhibition to explore the areas of Pedion tou Areos that line Alexandras Avenue, the side where the statue of the goddess Athena is located, and to wander among the digital pavilions and events located in the clearings and flowerbeds hidden inside the park. It is a conscious curatorial approach that allows visitors to engage with the exhibition in the most popular areas of Pedion tou Areos before being invited to get lost inside the park to discover amazing exhibitions, collective activities and events.

25 international pieces, new commissions, 40 solar batteries that harvest the sun’s energy by day to create an artificial moon 70 meters above the ground using laser beams at night, a humanoid distributing medicines in an abandoned pharmacy on the edge of the park, a huge red planet that reminds us of our overheated Earth. All this is combined with over 250 square meters of Macropix-branded LED works!

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